Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Day I Got Stranded on Lake Wedowee | I Love Lake Wedowee

One of our local youngsters wrote this story for Randolph County Gifted Program's Keepsake book that Lake Wedowee Life is currently publishing.

The Day I Got Stranded on Lake Wedowee
by Beau Causey

One day I went to my grandaddy's house. My uncle Jake was there and we decided to go on a fishing trip. We went at 4:00 pm. We went six miles on the lake. We went all the way to the old white shoals. It was a long trip. We saw a boat that was solid steel. We went to the shoals and the next thing we knew the motor broke. It was bent. My uncle got the tools and tried to fix the motor but then a tool fell in the creek. There was a container in the steel boat. We got it and I had to bale water out of the boat. We got back home at 9:00 pm. We were gone for 5 hours. We got to keep the steel boat and it works.

If you have a story about why you Love Lake Wedowee then please Share the Love and submit it here:


  1. Do you have any video of that? I'd love to find out some additional information. paypal account login


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