Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hooked on Lake Wedowee: Fishing Advice

Hooked on Lake Wedowee

by Wendell Huddleston


What a privilege, no make that a blessing to live on Lake Wedowee. Clean beautiful water, friendly people, good fishing. Did you know that the Alabama fish and game department lifted the "slot" on spotted bass a few years ago? before you had to catch one that was sixteen inches long or under twelve inches to keep it. They said that Lake Wedowee is over populated with spotted bass. You read it right (over populated). Doesn't that sound better than endangered? This mean the odds are in your favor on Lake Wedowee. Spotted bass are very aggressive especially in the fall. So if you want to have some fun or get a child interested in fishing, now’s the time. I've heard it said on several occasions that a spotted bass fights like a smallmouth bass. If you have watched a fishing show that shows a smallmouth being caught then you know that is saying a lot. My wife Bonny and I will go out some times, throwing tiny baits on light line, just to see how many "spots" we can catch. The best part is the small lures will get a lot of attention from all sorts of swimming creatures. The spotted bass is easy to identify, it will have a rough spot right in the center of its tongue and the hinge of its mouth will be even with its eye when viewed from the side. So get out on Lake Wedowee and give it a try, you'll have a blast.

One word of advise though, Hold on tight to the rod those spots will try to take it from you.


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